How to use solid and liquid soap

In this blog, we cover how the solid variety of soap, which was common in the past, still has its uses. Unlike the modern liquid soap, the solid soap has a thick consistency and was stored in packets or enamelled changeables. The solid soap is used effectively for cleaning vertical surfaces, ovens, tile joints, stainless steel sinks, stain removal and even cast iron pots! 


Last edited on May 8, 2024




In the past, all soap was in solid form - The liquid variety is a modern phenomenon!


The soap had a solid form, it was so thick that it was packed and sold in packages like butter is sold in stores today. Our solid soap is just that. When you are going to buy a solid soap, make sure to choose a soap that is just solid. If you get a sticky soap that's a bit more like cheese milk in consistency, it's not the old version you have in front of you. The solid soap was kept in either its package or in an enameled "change". This was in almost every home in the past.



When and how is solid soap used?


1. When you are going to clean vertical surfaces

- Take a dab on an ecofibre cloth or sponge, moisten lightly and work up a thick foam. It will stay put and not run off like cleaning spray. Leave to act, then wipe off with a damp cloth. Shower walls can be rinsed off.


2. The oven

- Do as above. Then set an ovenproof container with water. Turn on the oven so that the water evaporates. Allow to cool and then dry. Use ecofibre cloth if necessary.


3. Tile Grouts

- Put a dab of solid soap on the scrub brush . Scrub and dry.


4. Stainless steel sink

- Take a click on ecofibre cloth or sponge. Moisten, rub, rinse clean and wipe dry.



5. Stain Removal

- Take a dab of solid soap on a suitably hard brush or ecofibre cloth. The eco-fiber cloth works well for coarse clothes such as outerwear and work clothes, while a washing brush is better for other, thinner materials. Moisten and scrub the stain. Wash as usual according to washing instructions in the machine. Works extra well on greasy stains.




6. Cast iron 

- Cast iron should never be degreased. Surely you have heard that you must not use washing-up liquid on cast iron. That's right! But a greasy soap is a completely different matter. When you have a burnt cast-iron pot or pan, you can use solid, greasy soap and an old-fashioned dish soap in rice root. It is extremely effective and does not damage the cast iron.



7. Scrub mats

- A dab of soap on the scrub brush and then just scrub.



8. Grill grate

 - About this there is a blog of its own! Click here to get to it.




Of course, there are many, many other tips for using solid soap. These are only close examples.


9. The bucket

No, then it is much faster to use liquid soap that immediately dissolves in the washing water. Of course, it is possible to dissolve the soap and use it in the scrubbing bucket, but then you have to prepare for the fact that it will take a couple of minutes before the solid soap dissolves in hot water.


10. WC-rent

No, then it is much faster to use liquid soap that immediately dissolves in the toilet seat. Use liquid soap instead of strong toilet cleaners. It works just as well and is kinder to both you and the environment. Use a basic soap with excess fat for this. All dirt that comes from the plant or animal kingdom is most easily removed with a basic product. A soap that contains a little soap and a lot of water therefore does not work as well here as a strong soap.

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 Questions and Answers



- What are the advantages of using solid soap for cleaning the oven?


By using solid soap and an ovenproof container with water, you can effectively clean the oven without having to use strong chemicals. The water evaporates and helps dissolve the dirt.


- Why is solid soap a good option for cleaning stainless steel sinks?

Solid soap is effective for cleaning stainless steel sinks because its thick consistency allows it to effectively dissolve and remove grease and dirt without damaging the surface.


- Why should one avoid using liquid soap for certain purposes, such as the bucket and the toilet?

Liquid soap is more practical for some purposes but may be less effective for others. For example, the solid soap may be more suitable for cleaning certain surfaces, such as cast iron pots, and may be more environmentally friendly than harsh chemicals used for toilet cleaning.


Order natural cleaning products here: Västerbottenssoap

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