• Miljövänlig diskborste, tillverkad av biokomposit, som bidrar till att minska ditt miljöavtryck.
  • Miljövänlig diskborste, tillverkad av biokomposit, som bidrar till att minska ditt miljöavtryck.

Dish brush made of biomaterial

Dish brush made of biomaterial

A dish brush with a comfortable grip and strong brush material that can withstand washing in the dishwasher. Made from biocomposite, which is as malleable as plastic but as natural as wood! With a unique blend of wood fibers and biomaterials, it is made from up to 98% renewa... Read more
Regular price 59 kr
Regular price Selling price 59 kr
Miljövänlig diskborste, tillverkad av biokomposit, som bidrar till att minska ditt miljöavtryck.

Dish brush made of biomaterial

Regular price 59 kr
Regular price Selling price 59 kr

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A dish brush with a comfortable grip and strong brush material that can withstand washing in the dishwasher.

Made from biocomposite, which is as malleable as plastic but as natural as wood! With a unique blend of wood fibers and biomaterials, it is made from up to 98% renewable materials, reducing the need for fossil-based materials and carbon dioxide emissions by up to 80%.

A sustainable product made from 100% recycled material that reduces your environmental footprint!

👉 Rekommenderat användningsområde:

  • Disk

💡 Användbara tips:

  • Enkel att rengöra, sätt bara in den i diskmaskinen och använd din vanliga tvättcykel.

☝️ Säkerhetstips:

  • Håll utom räckhåll för barn.

📋 Specifikation:

  • Tillverkad i: Sverige

  • Material: Biokomposit

What makes Västerbottens soap different from "regular" soaps that you buy in the grocery store?

Västerbotten soap has similar properties to a linseed oil soap, which is thus an overfatted soap. Other soaps that you buy in e.g. the grocery store is not overfat and therefore not as efficient. Soaps and soaps have varying amounts of excess oils and fats, that is, the part of fat that remains after saponification. Västerbottens soap has a larger surplus and is therefore extra caring and re-greasing.

A story of 100 years of sustainable soap making

Let us tell you how it all comes together

Because the soap is made from recycled raw materials, i.e. is circular, the CO2 emissions for the product are very low. A bottle of soap including production, packaging and transport has a CO2 emission of approx. 237 g. This can be compared to the emissions for producing 1 kg of palm oil, which is approx. 10 kg.

Rapeseed oil is produced as food.

Rapeseed oil is produced as food.

Rapeseed oil is used in restaurants around the country

Rapeseed oil is used in restaurants around the country

Västerbottenssåpa sources the oil that is purified in the small factory in Vilhelmina. It is then saponified into soap

Västerbottenssåpa sources the oil that is purified in the small factory in Vilhelmina. It is then saponified into soap

The soap is sent to you by mail.

The soap is sent to you by mail.

Contains only three ingredients

Our soap contains only water, soap (saponified rapeseed oil) 15-30% and any perfume

Our Cleaning Tools

With us you will find a large selection of cleaning tools made from natural and recycled materials.

Everything from scrub brushes (oven, panel, stove and other brushes in different sizes, materials and shapes), to glass hob scrapers, different types of cleaning sponges and dish cloths.

Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews
Susanna (Ursviken, SE)
Supernöjd med denna

Jag har verkligen gillat denna diskborste som hållit sig fin betydligt längre än andra diskborstar! Tyvärr gick den av i skaftet nu i jul. Testar en till i alla fall och hoppas att den håller!

Hej Susanna,
Tack för din recension! Härligt att diskborsten har varit till så stor nytta.

Annelie Sundberg (Skara, SE)

Så kul med en återvunnen borste, men den första gick av nästan direkt, fick en ny som höll i nån vecka. Kommer inte köpa nån mer tyvärr.

Hej Annelie, Tack för din feedback! Vi är ledsna att höra att borsten inte höll som förväntat. Det är viktigt för oss att våra produkter är både hållbara och miljövänliga. Vi kommer att undersöka detta vidare för att förbättra kvaliteten.

Sylvia Andreasson (Kisa, SE)
Väldigt nöjd med min diskborste!

Kommer köpa flera diskborstar!

Hej Sylvia,

Vad kul!

Tuula Stenfors (Saltsjoe-Boo, SE)

En bra diskborste av återvunnet material, det uppskattas😊👍🏼

Kul att du gillar diskborsten

Petra Lidmalm (Gothenburg, SE)
Inte så hållbar…

Tyvärr bröts skaftet av efter endast några användningar.

Tack för din feedback, det var tråkigt att höra