Laundry detergent for white and colored laundry

Västerbottenssåpa's laundry detergent against tough stains simplifies your washing routine and is extra gentle on the environment.

Read our blog for simple and effective laundry solutions

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Questions and Answers

How much detergent is really needed to get the laundry clean?

It depends on how hard the water is. Hard water requires more detergent. However, most households in Sweden have soft water. It also depends on how heavily soiled the laundry is, how much laundry there is and how big the machine is. But lightly soiled laundry, normal machine and soft water 35ml. Increase from there as needed but don't overdose. 

How much detergent is needed for hand washing?

10-15ml to a 10l tub of water, same here, you can use a little more detergent if it is heavily soiled laundry.

What about a full and a half full machine?

The dosage on the bottle applies to a full machine, reduce if you have a smaller amount of laundry.

Is it environmentally friendly? 


Varför menar ni att SLES är onödigt i tvättmedel?

Vi använder inte SLES i vårt tvättmedel, det här är anledningarna:

* Det emulgerar inte fett effektivt.

* Det skapar problem med skumning som gör att man behöver tillföra skumdämpare, dvs ytterligare en kemikalie till ingredienslistan. Förklaring: En tensid som bildar skum gör en emulsion med luft och vatten och jobbar därmed inte med rengöring, som är emulsion med olja och vatten. Syftet med ett tvättmedel är att rengöra inte att skapa bubblor som är trevliga att se på. Vill man se på fina bubblor är det bättre att köpa såpbubblor ;)

* SLES är känsligt för calcium och magnesium som finns i vatten ( mer Ca och Mg desto högre vattenhårdhet) därför tillsätter man ”water softeners” som exempelvis phosphonater, - ännu en kemikalie till listan. (Nonjoner, (som vi använder) är däremot inte känsliga för hårt vatten.)

How can I reduce my use of detergent to be more environmentally friendly?

Wash only when necessary, air instead if possible. Pre-treat stains and do not lower wash temperatures too much.

Is it fragrance-free?

There is a variant with and one without fragrance.

Is it allergy-friendly?

Allergy sufferers should choose the fragrance-free variant, always regardless of what applies, an allergy sufferer should think fragrance-free, this also applies to skin creams, shampoos and products with essential oils. Always choose without added fragrance if you are allergic. 

Can it be used for baby clothes?

Yes, please choose unscented. Small children do not need fragrances for their clothes.

Can it be used for both white, black and colored laundry?

Yes. However, our detergent contains neither bleach nor optical whitener. If you feel that you need to bleach a garment, we recommend 1-2 tablespoons of bicarbonate.

Does it work on different materials (wool, silk, sportswear)?

Our detergent contains no enzymes, so even wool can be washed with our detergent. However, sensitive garments and sensitive materials must always be washed according to the washing instructions in the garment and with great care.

Does it remove musty odors from polyester clothes (workout clothes)?

Yes, wash according to the washing advice and feel free to use our citrus-scented detergent.

What are the most common ingredients in detergents and how do they affect my clothes and my skin?

Detergents contain surfactants and all surfactants affect the surface tension of the water, so you must follow recommendations and make sure you have an approved drain. Bleach in detergent affects the textile as it sounds, it bleaches and it is a strain on the textile fibres. Optical bleaches are particles that settle on the outside and give the illusion that the garment is whiter than it is, and so detergents often contain perfumes. 

How do different washing programs and temperatures affect the effectiveness of detergents?

All cleaning, including laundry, is based on four parts: temperature, time, mechanical cleaning and chemicals. If you lower the temperature, you need to increase it by another part. Washing program and machine stand for the mechanical part, temp and time you set here. The detergent accounts for the fourth part.
Imagine washing dishes by hand or washing your hands, how hot water do you need? Your body is 37*C (usually) does the water you wash in feel hot or cold? Then think about the laundry and the stains in front of you, at what temperature does it feel reasonable that you would be able to solve these stains? A washing program with 30*C is therefore colder than your body temperature. Lowering the temperature is an argument for saving energy and that's right, but it's no saving if your clothes don't get clean or stains don't disappear because the washing temperature is too low and you instead go and buy a new garment.  

How does hard or soft water affect the effectiveness of detergents?

If you have hard or medium hard water, you need more detergent. Soft water requires less detergent.

The hardness of water is indicated in German degrees of hardness, °dH (°dH = Grad deutscher Härte). The higher the levels of calcium and magnesium ions, the harder the water. 1°dH corresponds to 7.1 milligrams of calcium per liter and 4.3 milligrams of magnesium per liter.

  • 0-2: very soft
  • 2-5: soft
  • 5-10: medium hard
  • 10-21: hard
  • >21: very hard

What should I do if I spill detergent directly on my clothes or on the floor?

Wipe up and wash off immediately.

How do I clean my washing machine to prevent bad odors and bacterial growth?

Feel free to read our guide on the blog here: CLICK HERE

Does it remove tough stains like oil, blood, grass?

Stains should be pre-treated. Feel free to read our guide on the blog here: Stains on clothes, how to remove them!

Thank you for choosing Västerbottenssåpa

When we started Västerbottenssåpa, we dreamed that more people would start reusing and thinking about the environment. Today, 150,000+ households clean with our products, which feels completely surreal and incredibly inspiring.

Now we are taking a big step into a completely new segment with the launch of our detergent. It feels fantastic to once again be able to offer an effective product that is as kind to the environment as possible. We are extremely grateful for your support and look forward to continuing this journey with you.

With warm regards,

Sara and Magnus, founders of Västerbottenssoap