• Cleaning cloth, Waffle
  • Cleaning cloth, Waffle
  • Cleaning cloth, Waffle
  • Cleaning cloth, Waffle
  • Cleaning cloth, Waffle
  • Cleaning cloth, Waffle

Cleaning cloth, Waffle

Cleaning cloth, Waffle

A woven scouring pad made of cotton and synthetics with a waffle texture for floor cleaning. Coarse and very durable with good absorption. Best to use with soap.The rags are sold unsorted with a green or red woven stripe. Read more
Regular price 59 kr
Regular price Selling price 59 kr
Cleaning cloth, Waffle

Cleaning cloth, Waffle

Regular price 59 kr
Regular price Selling price 59 kr

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A woven scouring pad made of cotton and synthetics with a waffle texture for floor cleaning.

Coarse and very durable with good absorption. Best to use with soap.

The rags are sold unsorted with a green or red woven stripe.

👉 Rekommenderat för städning av:

  • Alla typer av golv inomhus

💡 Användbara tips:

  • Tvätta eller stryk ut den innan första användning.

  • Tvätta den i tvättmaskinen på 40°C.

☝️ Säkerhetstips:

  • Förvaras utom räckhåll för värme och brandkällor.

  • När den har blivit utsliten, sortera den som brännbart.

📋 Specifikation:

  • Tillverkad i: Tyskland

  • Material: 80% bomull, 20% syntet

  • Storlek: 50 x 50 cm

What makes Västerbottens soap different from "regular" soaps that you buy in the grocery store?

Västerbotten soap has similar properties to a linseed oil soap, which is thus an overfatted soap. Other soaps that you buy in e.g. the grocery store is not overfat and therefore not as efficient. Soaps and soaps have varying amounts of excess oils and fats, that is, the part of fat that remains after saponification. Västerbottens soap has a larger surplus and is therefore extra caring and re-greasing.

A story of 100 years of sustainable soap making

Let us tell you how it all comes together

Because the soap is made from recycled raw materials, i.e. is circular, the CO2 emissions for the product are very low. A bottle of soap including production, packaging and transport has a CO2 emission of approx. 237 g. This can be compared to the emissions for producing 1 kg of palm oil, which is approx. 10 kg.

Rapeseed oil is produced as food.

Rapeseed oil is produced as food.

Rapeseed oil is used in restaurants around the country

Rapeseed oil is used in restaurants around the country

Västerbottenssåpa sources the oil that is purified in the small factory in Vilhelmina. It is then saponified into soap

Västerbottenssåpa sources the oil that is purified in the small factory in Vilhelmina. It is then saponified into soap

The soap is sent to you by mail.

The soap is sent to you by mail.

Contains only three ingredients

Our soap contains only water, soap (saponified rapeseed oil) 15-30% and any perfume

Our Cleaning Tools

With us you will find a large selection of cleaning tools made from natural and recycled materials.

Everything from scrub brushes (oven, panel, stove and other brushes in different sizes, materials and shapes), to glass hob scrapers, different types of cleaning sponges and dish cloths.

Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews
Sofia (Gothenburg, SE)
Precis vad jag hoppades

Har inte använt trasorna så länge och inte heller tvättat dem, men hittills känner jag att jag äntligen hittat den skurtrasa jag letat efter.

Hej Sofia,
Så roligt att du hittat rätt med våra trasor! Vi hoppas de fortsätter leverera det du önskar. 😊

Jan Hedberg (Gothenburg, SE)


Hej Jan,
Tack för din fina feedback! Härligt att du är nöjd med skurtrasan.

karin hoffner
Tjock och mycket hög uppsugningsförmåga

Har inte lyckats få tag i nå liknande i affären. Suverän inte bara när man skurar utan även vid olyckor. Suger och håller massor med vätska.

Hej Karin,
Tack så mycket för din värdefulla feedback! Vi är verkligen glada att du är nöjd med vår produkt.

Patrik Andersson (Tumba, SE)

Vi använder den efter dusch att stå på med en varm och fluffig känsla. Kan verkligen rekommenderas!

Vad roligt att ni har kommit på den idén att även använda den på det sättet

Maria Isaksson (Sollefteå, SE)

Har jag som skurduk under skurborste mycket bra är den