• Window cleaning spray for glass and mirrors
  • Window cleaning spray for glass and mirrors
  • Window cleaning spray for glass and mirrors
  • Window cleaning spray for glass and mirrors
  • Window cleaning spray for glass and mirrors
  • Window cleaning spray for glass and mirrors
  • Window cleaning spray for glass and mirrors
  • Window cleaning spray for glass and mirrors
  • Window cleaning spray for glass and mirrors
  • Window cleaning spray for glass and mirrors
  • Window cleaning spray for glass and mirrors
  • Window cleaning spray for glass and mirrors
  • Window cleaning spray for glass and mirrors
  • Window cleaning spray for glass and mirrors
  • Window cleaning spray for glass and mirrors
  • Window cleaning spray for glass and mirrors
  • Window cleaning spray for glass and mirrors
  • Window cleaning spray for glass and mirrors

Window cleaning spray for glass and mirrors

Window cleaning spray for glass and mirrors

Having clean windows does a lot for the feel of the home, but it's not always that easy, which is why we've developed a window cleaner that both cleans and polishes shiny.You can use the window plaster on all glass surfaces. It is perfect for cleaning windows indoors (inside) ... Read more
Regular price 79 kr
Regular price Selling price 79 kr
Window cleaning spray for glass and mirrors

Window cleaning spray for glass and mirrors

Regular price 79 kr
Regular price Selling price 79 kr

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Having clean windows does a lot for the feel of the home, but it's not always that easy, which is why we've developed a window cleaner that both cleans and polishes shiny.
You can use the window plaster on all glass surfaces. It is perfect for cleaning windows indoors (inside) where the windows rarely get grossly dirty as they can get on the outside. 
Spray on and polish, preferably with our polishing cloth for glass or with paper that does not "fluff". 

Spray lightly on the glass, it is not needed more than once / surface, then wipe with the polishing cloth until the surface is completely dry. On the first "stroke" with the cloth, the dirt dissolves, on two, three strokes you polish to a glossy finish.

If the outside of the window is very dirty, for example if you live near a road that is dusty, you should first clean the window with water, a little washing-up liquid and a scraper before using window cleaner. 

Our window cleaner, or window soap as many choose to call it, does not contain ammonia but is based on soap, water and denatured alcohol, which gives very shiny surfaces.

Rekommenderade användningsområden:

  • Fönster (inomhus och utomhus) samt speglar och andra ytor av glas.
  • Spraya lätt och putsa med torr duk till helt torr yta. Vid första "draget" med trasan löser smutsen upp sig vid drag två, tre putsar du blankt.
  • Observera att produkten kräver att du också torkar av ytan efter att du sprayat på produkten.



  •  0,5 L, återvinningsbar PET-flaska tillverkad av 100% återvunnen plast.
  • Innehåll: Vatten, Denaturerad etanol <15%, såpa >5%.
    Läs mer om innehåll här 




  • Inte för konsumtion! Förvara åtskilt från mat.

  • Vid kontakt med ögonen, skölj försiktigt med vatten. 

  • Förvaras i rumstemperatur.

  • Håll utom räckhåll för barn.

  • Använd inte till ytor målade med linoljefärg.

  • Förvaras utom räckhåll för värmekällor.

Vid osäkerhet kring användning av produkten kontakta oss på info@vasterbottenssapa.se

What makes Västerbottenssoapa's window cleaner different from other window cleaners?

Our window cleaner is free from ammonia, perfume, solvents, sodium phosphate (or other phosphates), and color additives. Instead, it contains Västerbottens soap, a natural and circular product that dissolves the dirt, as well as ethanol produced from grain residues. Together, they remove the dirt and give a shiny surface without leaving any streaks.

Lyssna när Sara berättar mer i videon nedan

Rengör dina glaspartier i hemmet

Gör så här:


Spraya lätt på glaset.


Torka med putsduk – börja med att lösa upp smutsen vid första draget, och polera ytan blank vid andra och tredje draget.


Om utsidan av fönstret är mycket smutsig (t.ex. nära en dammig väg), rengör först med vatten, diskmedel och skrapa innan du använder fönsterputsen.

A story of 100 years of sustainable soap making

Let us tell you how it all comes together

Because the soap is made from recycled raw materials, i.e. is circular, the CO2 emissions for the product are very low. A bottle of soap including production, packaging and transport has a CO2 emission of approx. 237 g. This can be compared to the emissions for producing 1 kg of palm oil, which is approx. 10 kg.

Rapeseed oil is produced as food.

Rapeseed oil is produced as food.

Rapeseed oil is used in restaurants around the country

Rapeseed oil is used in restaurants around the country

Västerbottenssåpa sources the oil that is purified in the small factory in Vilhelmina. It is then saponified into soap

Västerbottenssåpa sources the oil that is purified in the small factory in Vilhelmina. It is then saponified into soap

The soap is sent to you by mail.

The soap is sent to you by mail.

Cleans streak-free without leaving marks

Our window cleaner does not contain ammonia but is based on soap, water and denatured alcohol, which gives very shiny surfaces.

Our Cleaning Tools

With us you will find a large selection of cleaning tools made from natural and recycled materials.

Everything from scrub brushes (oven, panel, stove and other brushes in different sizes, materials and shapes), to glass hob scrapers, different types of cleaning sponges and dish cloths.

Click here to view our Microfiber cloth for windows

Customer Reviews

Based on 832 reviews
Maria Norum (Bromma, SE)
Som vanligt, helt nöjd!

Fönsterputsen + trasan är helt outstanding!! Såpan m äppeldoft var en ny bekantskap för mej, men mycket trevlig! Kommer fortsätta bo här. 🙂

Ros-Mari Granfelt Olsson (Karlstad, SE)

Överraskande många bra produkter, mycket nöjd!

Ann-catrin Svensson (Ystad, SE)
Väldigt bra !

Önskar mer doft

Arja Martinsson (Spekeröd, SE)
Toppen produkter som gör städning miljövänlig och kul!

Alltid flaskorna nära tillhands, kök, badrum och tvättstuga!
Trevliga naturliga dofter och är okomplicerade att använda ;)
Snabb leverans och bra/ trevlig info, fin hemsida
Rekommenderar dem varmt!

Marie Avander (Sundsvall, SE)

Jag har inte använt någon produkt. Ska ge denna i julklapp till min dotter.