• Soap Start Package
  • Soap Start Package
  • Soap Start Package
  • Soap Start Package
  • Soap Start Package
  • Soap Start Package
  • Soap Start Package
  • Soap Start Package
  • Soap Start Package
  • Soap Start Package
  • Soap Start Package
  • Soap Start Package
  • Soap Start Package
  • Soap Start Package
  • Soap Start Package
  • Soap Start Package
  • Soap Start Package
  • Soap Start Package
  • Soap Start Package
  • Soap Start Package
  • Soap Start Package
  • Soap Start Package
  • Soap Start Package
  • Soap Start Package
  • Soap Start Package
  • Soap Start Package
  • Soap Start Package
  • Soap Start Package
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Soap Start Package

Soap Start Package

Do you want your everyday cleaning to be both natural and effective? Then you've come to the right place! We think it is very important to think about which chemicals we interact with on a daily basis. Städkem is one of them. For purposes such as wiping the kitchen table, the ... Read more
Regular price 289 kr
Regular price 357 kr Selling price 289 kr
Soap Start Package

Soap Start Package

Regular price 289 kr
Regular price 357 kr Selling price 289 kr

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Do you want your everyday cleaning to be both natural and effective? Then you've come to the right place!

We think it is very important to think about which chemicals we interact with on a daily basis. Städkem is one of them. For purposes such as wiping the kitchen table, the sink, the stove or the sink, no strong products are actually needed, it works great with soap. Soap is gentle on both you who cleans, the substrate and the environment. Västerbottens soap also has a greater excess of fat and is therefore extra effective, caring and re-greasing. 

When you've used up the bottle, just refill with a new refill, add water and use the same spray bottle again and again. 

The refills are made from POP, Prevented Ocean Plastic , i.e. plastic that has been picked up from beaches and coastal areas so as not to end up in the oceans. You can read more about this under the tab About us > sustainability.


This kit includes:

  • Three reusable bottles for Soap spray 0.5L (general cleaning, kitchen and bathroom)
  • Two highly concentrated refills for each bottle with the scent of woods, forest and unscented

5 tips på hur du använder din såpspray

Rengör köksbänken – Spraya på, torka av med lätt fuktad trasa (gärna komposterbar)

Spishäll – Spraya på, torka av med lätt fuktad trasa. Vid inbrända matrester använd hällskrapa först.

Vardagsrumsbord – Spraya på, torka med fuktad trasa. Blanka bordsytor / glasbord – eftertorka med hushållspapper. 
Badrum – spraya på och torka av. Använd alltid en speciell trasa för badrummet, dvs ej samma trasa i kök som i badrum.

Karmar, lister, dörrar – Sprayaoch torka med lätt fuktad trasa. Tänk på att göra dett oftare i förkylning och magsjuketider. Obs – tvätta / koka din trasa med jämna mellanrum för att förhindra smittspridning.

Återanvänd plastflaskorna flera gånger med våra såpa-refiller som du kan köpa separat när det är dags att fyllla på igen. 



  •  0,5 L, återvinningsbar PET-flaska .
  • Refill-flaskorna är gjorda av POP, Prevented Ocean Plasticåtervunnen plast som plockats upp från stränder runt om i världen. Produktionen av återvunnen plast ger 5x mindre koldioxidutsläpp än vanlig plast, dessutom minskar POP-programmet mängden plast i våra hav.
  • Vår såpa innehåller endast vatten, såpa (förtvålad rapsolja) 15-30% och eventuell parfym.

    Läs mer om innehåll här 



  • Lämna inte osköljd såpa på golvet eftersom det kan orsaka halka.

  • Inte för konsumtion! Förvara åtskilt från mat.

  • Förvaras i rumstemperatur.

  • Håll utom räckhåll för barn.

  • Använd inte till ytor målade med linoljefärg.

  •  Torka inte trasorna i torktumlare.

  • Förvaras utom räckhåll för barn och värmekällor.

Vid osäkerhet kring användning av produkten kontakta oss på info@vasterbottenssapa.se. För incilista se vardera produkts huvudsida.

What makes Västerbottens soap different from "regular" soaps that you buy in the grocery store?

Västerbotten soap has similar properties to a linseed oil soap, which is thus an overfatted soap. Other soaps that you buy in e.g. the grocery store is not overfat and therefore not as efficient. Soaps and soaps have varying amounts of excess oils and fats, that is, the part of fat that remains after saponification. Västerbottens soap has a larger surplus and is therefore extra caring and re-greasing.

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Spray on and wipe off

It's as simple as this:


Empty the entire contents of the refill into the spray bottle and top up with lukewarm water.


Shake lightly, spray on the desired surface and wipe off.


Empty bottle? Top up with a new refill, add water and use the same spray bottle again and again. Refills for Soap Spray are available for kitchens, bathrooms and general cleaning.

A story of 100 years of sustainable soap making

Let us tell you how it all comes together

Because the soap is made from recycled raw materials, i.e. is circular, the CO2 emissions for the product are very low

Rapeseed oil is produced as food.

Rapeseed oil is produced as food.

Rapeseed oil is used in restaurants around the country

Rapeseed oil is used in restaurants around the country

Västerbottenssåpa sources the oil that is purified in the small factory in Vilhelmina. It is then saponified into soap

Västerbottenssåpa sources the oil that is purified in the small factory in Vilhelmina. It is then saponified into soap

The soap is sent to you by mail.

The soap is sent to you by mail.

A bottle of soap including production, packaging and transport has a CO2 emission of approx. 237 g. This can be compared to the emissions for producing 1 kg of palm oil, which is approx. 10 kg.

Contains only three ingredients

Our soap contains only water, soap (saponified rapeseed oil) 15-30% and any perfume

Our Cleaning Tools

With us you will find a large selection of cleaning tools made from natural and recycled materials.

Everything from scrub brushes (oven, panel, stove and other brushes in different sizes, materials and shapes), to glass hob scrapers, different types of cleaning sponges and dish cloths.

Common questions

How do I mix Soap Spray?

Empty the entire contents of the refill into the spray bottle. Then fill the rest with water (approx. 0.5 litres). 

What is the difference between soap spray for bathrooms, kitchens and general cleaning?

The bathroom soap has a scent of Västerbotten firs, the all-cleaning soap has a woody scent and the soap spray for the kitchen is unscented.

Why do you have 3 different soap sprays?

For several reasons, for example, you should not cover up bad smells in the kitchen with perfumes. Therefore, the kitchen soap is completely unscented. Perfumes do not belong on surfaces where we prepare or handle food. However, many people want a perfumed product for the bathroom, e.g.
To avoid the spread of microbes through cross-contamination, you should have separate cleaning tools for the bathroom and kitchen. By separating the bottles, having three different ones, that risk is minimized.

Do I need to wet dry surfaces after cleaning them with soapy spray?

No, it is usually not necessary, but as with all cleaning agents, there may be surfaces such as very matte or shiny surfaces that need to be dried with a soft microfiber cloth.

How many refills do I get with a soap spray?

With each soap spray purchased, you get two refills. For example, if you buy a soap spray for the bathroom, you get two refills for the bathroom. You can also purchase additional refills as needed.

What types of refills are there?

There are refills for soap spray for bathrooms, general cleaning and kitchens. In the category "Refill for Soap Spray" you will find different packages. 

Can I buy refills for soap spray separately?

Yes, you can buy a pack of one, three and six refills. In this way, you not only save on transporting water, but also minimize your carbon footprint by using less plastic.

What is a refill really?

The refills are simply a highly concentrated soap that, when diluted, gives you 500ml of cleansing soap.

What is POP packaging?

The refill bottles are made from POP, Prevented Ocean Plastic, recycled plastic picked from beaches around the world. The production of recycled plastic emits 5 times less carbon emissions than new plastic, plus the POP program prevents it from ending up in the ocean.

What do I do with the little bottle?

The small bottles are the refills. Remove the spray nozzle from the large bottle, remove the cap from the small refill, then fill all the contents of the small bottle into the large one. Fill the large bottle with lukewarm water from the tap and replace the spray nozzle. Turn the front part of the nozzle to the "on" position and then spray a couple of times so that the mixture is sucked up into the tube inside the bottle.

How do I recycle the bottles?

All our bottles must be sorted as hard plastic for recycling. The large spray bottle should be used over and over again until it is worn out. The small refills must be treated like hard plastic after they have been emptied. The refills are made from recycled plastic picked up from beaches.

Climate impact

Västerbottenssoap is a circular product. It is made from rapeseed oil that has already been used once, purified and saponified into soap. We therefore do not use new oil raw material for our soap, but reuse already produced rapeseed oil. This means that no virgin fat raw material is produced for our sake and we have therefore excluded that part. Our calculations give when we count on a bottle of soap, produced, transported and packaging: 237g Co2 You can read more about Co2 calculations, how we made them and circularity here

Where is the manufacturing taking place?

Västerbottens soap is manufactured in Vilhelmina, which is located in the interior of Västerbotten. There is an own small factory here that cleans the oil and saponifies it into soap. The factory is our own, no other brands manufacture their products here.

Isn't it terribly far to Vilhelmina?

No, it's not that far, considering that we send soap both north and south, it's not so bad to be quite close to the middle of the country. It is 68 miles to Stockholm and 50 miles to Haparanda from here. When we talk about transport, we would also like to say that we send everything with PostNord and that they have quite good climate work and that their CO2 reports to us are very accurate. We would also like you to take a look at the sustainability tab on our site to see how much of the CO2 emissions come from transport and how much comes from raw material production. Maybe there will be a little surprise!

Can you use the soap in the 0.5 liter bottles instead of the refills?

With the refill and the accompanying bottle, it becomes a working solution with a pH of approx. 9. If you mix yourself, you should try to get about here. Since everyone does things a little differently when you mix yourself, it is difficult for us to recommend or instruct on your own mixes, however, we can guarantee the function of the mix from the refill to the included bottle.

What do you use the bicarbonate and vinegar for?

Bicarbonate can be used for many different things, both as it is but also together with water or vinegar. You can, for example, use it on clothes, on the stove, clean cups or jewelry, etc.

Vinegar can be used to remove limescale, stains on clothes and bad smells, etc.

Can the soap be used on tiles and in joints?

The soap works great to use to remove dirt on tiles and in joints. Use the soap in a spray bottle for lighter dirt and the solid one is good for more ingrained dirt that sticks harder. Use soap, a brush and lukewarm water. 

Can I use soap on lime? 

Lime deposits are most easily removed with vinegar as something acidic is needed.

Can you use the soap spray in the toilet seat?

The soap spray is mixed to be used for "lighter" cleaning that can be sprayed on and wiped off with a damp cloth. For the toilet seat, the concentrated soap in the 0.5 liter bottle is better suited and it also has a special cap, so that you can use it in, for example, the toilet seat.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2249 reviews
Kerstin Bengtsson (Halmstad, SE)

Så bra produkt . Kan man även använda den till fönster o speglsr ?

Kaj Backlund (Varberg, SE)

Fungerande såpa

Britt-Marie Arvidson (Karlskrona, SE)
Ny kund

Hittills är jag nöjd. Tvättat hela badrummet ( kaklat) från golv till tak. Blev verkligen bra. Använder köks såpan dagligen. Förvånad att spishällen blir så fin.

ann-louise öberg (Sundsvall, SE)
är mkt nöjd med era produkter .


Åsa Bäckström (Umeå, SE)
Bra och klimatsmart

Jättebra med små refillflaskor och blanda själv hemma, för det känns ju onödigt att skicka vatten med posten